Many people don’t realize they have the power within themselves to completely transform their lives in less than a month. Acquiring wealth, health, happiness, or even love can be made simple with the right mindset and approach. Although some goals may seem impossible or just out of reach, an attitude adjustment and paradigm shift can surprisingly have a significant impact on a person’s life trajectory.
Peter Szabo, a successful marketing guru and entrepreneur from Slovakia, has shared an unexpected secret that can change people’s lives in less than thirty days. After going from being a completely broke 11-year-old to a teenage millionaire within the span of a few years, Szabo discovered how empowering it can be to heal traumatic memories and release self-sabotage while on the path to success. Szabo used his hardships to motivate him and fuel his passion, then eventually managed to build a 7-figure marketing agency called LeadEvo Inc. from the ground up. He realized that by healing himself from past traumas, he was able to find the drive within himself to obtain the things he desired in life.
With his groundbreaking psychological discovery, Szabo formed the Source Hacker System, a program designed to teach people how to achieve success and transform their lives in less than a month’s time. The six-week program breaks down integration techniques of mental mechanics, quantum laws, and physical actions that can change the way a person lives their life. By breaking down traumatic and painful memories that can lead to self-sabotage, people can rewrite their memories with an innovative process called Memory Flipping. The Source Hacker System teaches people how to use Memory Flipping to break the chains trauma can impose on a person’s life to allow them to create space for success in their life.
“People deserve to live a life that they love. No matter what hardships or obstacles a person is facing, there is hope. With the help of my revolutionary Source Hacker System, anybody can start to create progress in their lives consistently and predictably,” shared Peter Szabo, founder of the Source Hacker System and CEO of LeadEvo Inc. “A simple paradigm shift can change so much in a person’s life, and I’m on a mission to help people realize that they have the power to create a life of abundance for themselves. The Source Hacker System is designed to help people hack their lives and simplify the path to success by letting go of the negativities and doubts that are holding them back.”
Szabo guarantees that people will see results with the Source Hacker System within thirty days, or they will receive a full refund. The program provides all the tools and techniques a person needs to improve their current life and achieve their dreams. Participants will learn what it takes to manifest like a master and will also have lifetime access to exclusive community features, such as weekly Q&A sessions with Szabo, 8X meditation technology, entry to a private Facebook group, and a collection of biohacking tools.
To learn more about Peter Szabo’s Source Hacker System, go to