Going out with your mates while an incredibly enjoyable experience can be harrowing when you look at your wallet the next day. You don’t have to break the bank to socialize. Today, let’s get you smart with your money by giving you a few pieces of advice to help you be cheap while out and about for the weekend. Let’s dig in!
1# Happy Hour, Happy You
The money spent on drinking can come pouring down when you don’t have a good budget. This is why it’s important to plan how much you’ll spend and to go during happy hour in order to get yourself a cheap deal. This doesn’t just apply to drinking. There are many places that offer discounts on food at a particular time of day. If you want to go out in style but frugally, finding a place that does happy hour is the way to go. Happy meals at McDonald’s are another way to eat a cheap meal without the hefty cost, and hefty stomach.
2# Do Your Research
If you want to eat Japanese food on Saturday night, it is probably best to look out and compare restaurants in order to find a place that is not only tasty but for good value. Going online and scouring through reviews, articles, and their website price listing will give you a good indication you’re making the smart choice with your food.
3# Don’t Over Spend
While it might be tempting to buy another round or a whole set of dishes, think before you drink or eat. You might find yourself with more waste of food, drinks, and money when you buy more than what you bargained for. By doing so, you’ll end up saving more money and less waste while you’re out socializing.